Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Uncommonly Common

Throw in the towel girls, Prince William is officially off the market. (Sigh).With the recent announcement of his engagement to Kate Middleton, women (and some men) everywhere sighed a deep collective sigh of disappointment. We’re not disappointed about you Kate, we like you, (well I do) even though you single-handedly killed the dream. (I sigh again). No, we’re disappointed that we didn’t beat you to it. But that’s ok, you are forgiven, since you do after all have such a keen sense of style.

Actually, all the attention you’re getting Kate makes me a little grateful I turned William down. (By the way William, that’s the official story if anyone asks). I’m quite happy not to have the media digging into my past, thank you. Granted, it’s far from sordid and a little less than juicy, (sigh) still, I’d like to think it’s called a ‘private’ life since it’s meant to be, well, private. 

But what’s really bugging me is not the cheap shots at painting a less than perfect profile of Kate, (may the writer who is without dirt throw the first computer). It’s not even the media’s reference to Kate’s alleged non-virgin status (you guys are so wrong for even mentioning that), it’s how Kate is being referred to on a whole.  

A leading UK newspaper said Kate "will be the first commoner to marry an heir presumptive to the throne in more than 350 years." (I beg your pardon.) Ok, so Miss. Middleton wasn’t born into royalty, but surely she’s no commoner. Why that’s just rude! Couldn’t this have been phrased differently? Said with a little more, gee, tact? Allow me to suggest a thesaurus for your next article.

Well Kate, if it helps any, I wasn’t born into royalty either (I know this is a surprise to many of you) and since I wouldn’t like being called a “commoner”, I don’t see why you should endure it either. We're not going to cuss about it though, that would be common behavior. And while we are many and in that way, perhaps common, we can behave  most uncommon about it and be graciously silent. 

Chin up Kate! Keep smiling and stepping in style. And while it pains me to concede, congratulations. 

Though, should you change your mind, do put in a good word with Will for me.


  1. but... but... she has no 'rank' or 'title' as it relates to royal lineage, so the term 'commoner' isn't wrong in this context... sure, it ain't sound great on its own but such is the english language sometimes... ok, ready for my lashes now... be gentle... i bruise easily...

  2. i will cuss for u both cause i would be called one too.....the person at the paper is an "ASS". He is truely his mothers child. I hope and pray that he lives a long and fruitful life. Majority of those "royal girls" are literally common and have no need for the simple things in life which would bore them too easily. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY Kate. Show them all how Royal the Prince thinks you are.

  3. The fact that there is still Royalty in England, nothing can surprise me smdh. I wish them luck, esp with her and the paparazzi
