
Relationships are hard. Being in a good one takes work. Not being in one can be lonely. Being in the wrong one can drive you a little insane. And coming out of one, whether or not you wanted to be in it, takes some extra strength Advil, ice cream and a whole box of doughnuts. Shoot, you may even need some pork ribs. No matter where you're at, some days you need to smile. This is a good place to start. 

I do

Love. – noun: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. But it's much more than that isn't it? 

It's that funny feeling in your stomach, kind of like one too many prunes, but not quite. That lightness of the head, quickening of the heart, the removal of all sense and reason. A constant smile, a soft sigh, a burst of laughter. Irrational, illogical and ecstatic. Ready to throw-up yet?

Before you get the wrong idea, yes, I'm a pessimist. Oh I believe in love just like most of you. I do. It's the length and sincerity of it that I question. It all starts off ok. Person meets person, they date, laugh, eat a few meals together and before you know it, fall in love. Sensible ones stay there but others get carried away. You know what I mean. Get engaged, plan a debt, I mean wedding, they get married (if it's legal where you are), put an aquarium in the living room and rescue a dog. It's beautiful. Stay with me now, cause this is where reality sets in. And then after that first blissful year, farts ain't funny no more...

Don't let me discourage you. Fall in love! Go for it. Just be aware that "till death do us part" might be a longer time than you think. 

It isn't a bed of roses and if anyone tells you it is, remember that roses still need pruning to stay pretty. In other words, it takes work. And lots of it. 

But other than that, if you like the flavor of Pepto Bismol, waking up at random hours of the night with the sheets gone, find your own company boring and you think the person you're reading this to, you can't live without, my friend, marriage is for you.

All Posts featuring Light Humor - Smile!

Is That A Phat? (from the blog When It Rains)

Oh my google! Kimora Lee Simmons got sacked. 

What is the world coming to, when co-founding the company doesn’t guarantee job security? You’re telling me firing the boss is an option? 

We’re not happy this happened, tears are dripping onto my keyboard as I write,  (not from laughing, honest) but you must admit, you feel a little bit better about getting sacked too. Less of, why did it happen to me and more of, it happens. And here’s the ringer, she got fired for using body doubles (the audacity!), blowing through the company budget in  excessive Photoshop and over-paying herself and her children to be in advertising.  Is that all?  Imagine losing your job for wanting to look pretty and providing  well for your family.
My sympathies Kimmy.

But she still can’t cut in front me in the unemployment benefits line.


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